
Showing posts from April, 2021

I don't know how many of these to take with a pinch of salt...

Greetings, Ghostwatchers. Fandom naturally engenders a protective atmosphere. Even fair-minded criticism can be instinctively resisted, and often-times repelled by fans of their particular, chosen following. Far too often, opinions are misconstrued as personal attacks, testing the cotton-swaddled bonds of joy & emotional connectivity through uncaring logic. In my experience, topics often ripe for heartless joy-shredding include spaghetti hoop continuity, blisteringly outdated political commentary, or the media in question otherwise not standing-up to the test of time [i.e. the crushing realisation that your favourite show was actually always a bit shit].

"Horsehair" [Duncan Nicoll, 1998]

Greetings, Ghostwatchers! In 1999, it was hard not to be excited by the oncoming arrival of instant, Indie classic, The Blair Witch Project; least of all given its groundbreaking marketing campaign. As a production, it was daring, it was creative, and it was bloody scary. For those reasons and more, it has long-remained a firm favourite of mine. Ironically, I didn't get the chance to see the film in cinemas. Nevertheless, I was determined to finally check it out on VHS as soon as it landed at the now long-lost 321 Video rental store, up the road.