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Greetings, Ghostwatchers! Well, I did hope that we'd have some truly groovy news to share in time for National Séance, and here it is... Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains is set to finally return, this time on Blu-Ray! A reissue for the doc has been in the offing since... ooh, Prehistory, at the very least. It was wonderful to witness our film briefly shine on the unfathomably short-lived, BBC Store, last year (a future TV broadcast would also be lovely to behold, someday... ahem). We have genuinely received so many requests for a re-release, and now, having sold out of DVDs, the time seems finally right to take the HD plunge. The doc was actually shot in Hi-Def, so short of some additional post-production to bring everything up to spec, there should be little issue in transferring the film to disc.