London Film & Comic Con Incoming!

Greetings Ghostwatchers! It's now less than one week to go until Behind the Curtains is set to grace the halls of Comic Con at Earls Court, with a table of our very own, ably manned by Rich Lawden, Lesley Manning and Stephen Volk. Commitments permitting, Lesley and Rich are expected to be present all weekend, while Steve is due to join us for the Saturday only. There shall be some copies of the doc, companion book, and transcript available to pick up, all featuring our special-event reduced rates, plus the rare chance to get your future antiques signed by the show's creators. The event kicks off Friday 11th July, and lasts until Sunday the 13th. For more info on tickets and opening times, check out the website at Look forward to seeing you there! UPDATE: Another quick heads-up - Stephen Volk has a book launch on Friday 11th July at Waterstones, Covent Gardens (6:30pm-8:30pm) marking the arrival of 'Best British Horror' - a...