What big eyes you have...

631,238,400 seconds. 10,520,640 minutes. 175,344 hours. 7306 days. 1043 weeks. 20 years. Happy Hallowe'en, Ghostwatchers - and also, Happy Twentieth Anniversary to Ghostwatch ! To mark this momentous occasion (and also National Séance 2012 which kicks off at 9:25pm tonight), our new Gloryhole page has been updated with practically EVERY Ghostwatch Story ever sent in to the BtC project - from our humble beginnings on YouTube around 2007(ish), onward. Many thanks as always to everyone who sent in a message! Ghostwatch Stories are one of the defining aspects of the show's legacy and have helped keep the old 'Hallowe'en Hoax' firmly in the public consciousness now for *just* over two decades. At some point, most of us have felt compelled to share our experiences (or even make a film!) concerning the show, and when combined, I think you'll agree, they make for some pretty fascinating reading. We've really enjoyed checking them out and hope to see m...