Is this happening live, I think it is..?

Host, Jimmy Carr Greetings, Ghostwatchers! So... last night, just as I was falling head over heels for the girl in the new Ikea advert (...ahem), this message came through from BtC supporter, @Snarglepip via Twitter: Ooo nice @Ghostwatch question on big fat 90s quiz there! ...And just like that, +1 channels suddenly make a whole lotta sense. About an hour later (on C4+1, naturally), presenter Jimmy Carr asked his three teams of celebrity panelists on The Big Fat Quiz of the 90s the following question... again. "Sarah Greene was 'killed' in a basement, and Michael Parkinson was 'possessed' by an angry ghost called 'Pipes' in which "legendary" TV show?" Okay, let's get the nitpicking right out of the way. Technically, Sarah 'disappeared' into The Gloryhole (not counting the revelation of her eventual fate in ' 31/10 '). Also, The Gloryhole itself isn't a basement, rather an under-stairs cupboard. Plus, within the ...