Ghostwatch & The Awakening Screenings in Nottingham

Greetings, Ghostwatchers! Two new items have been added to the events list - both of which are taking place in Nottingham, and also featuring appearances from Ghostwatch writer, Stephen Volk. The first event is a screening of The Awakening on Thursday 27th October . The second is a screening of Ghostwatch on Sunday 30th October . Both will include Q&As with Stephen, and for The Awakening screening, director and co-writer, Nick Murphy, too. The venue is the Broadway Cinema , which will be home to the Mayhem Horror Film Festival - a five-day event which promises "ghosts. gore, extreme cinema, haunted TV, weird science and much much more". For ticket prices/more info, check out the links above. And if you're able to attend, be sure to let us know how everything goes!