
Showing posts from June, 2011

Houston, they have a problem...

An upcoming new entry in the Found Footage sub-genre, September 2nd marks the release of Apollo 18 - a spooky tale concerning a group of American astronauts sent on a secret mission to the moon in 1972, and found someone, or some thing, already waiting for them. Looks interesting. As a kind-of retro/techno 'Blair Witch in Space ', there are plenty of opportunities for shocks and surprises here. Being so far from home, the characters face an impossible fight for survival against this apparent alien threat, and from the looks of the trailer below, maybe even from each other...

Well, I had a bet on with your husband...

Yes, it looks like Ghostwatch has (kind-of) finally entered into the world of equestrian events with a horse rather aptly named, Ghost Watch . In our never-ending search for all-things related to the show, you can imagine our surprise on happening upon this listing for the three-year-old son of Gilded Time and Tucker's Watch, stating he is currently located in Pennsylvania, USA, and was also the winner in his latest start. Check out the accompanying video below to see Ghost recently take home 1st place at Penn National Race Course! Download Video as MP4

There's been nothing on the news..!

Thanks again to Ghostwatch -aficionado, Stephen Freestone, for unearthing this clip from the BBC Radio 2 comedy-satire show, The News Huddlines . Remember, we're always on the lookout for long-lost mentions of our favourite Hallowe'en Hoax, so feel free to drop us a line if you have anything cool that you'd like to share. All you have to do is head on over to our contact page and get in touch!

Shivers #101

Anyone with a subscription to Shivers magazine around December 2002 will surely remember this great 2-page spread on Ghostwatch . Marking the show's tenth anniversary and the (then-recent) BFI DVD release, writer/creator, Stephen Volk's piece joins the pantheon of retrospective-style articles that help paint a clear picture of the show, several years after it premiered on BBC One. There's even a Top 10 Scary Things You Never Knew About Ghostwatch feature with one particular trivia tidbit, "in the tradition of the show", not entirely true... Can you tell which one it is? Answer in the comments section below!